Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Agriculture , Water Resources and Fisheries

الجمهورية التونسية
وزارة الفلاحة والموارد المائية والصيد البحري

Republique Tunisienne
ministère de l’Agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques
et de la pêche


Created in 1974, the National Center of the Agricultural Studies is a public corporation whose first vocation is the agricultural engineering in all its aspects.

          Placed under the tutelage of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries, the CNEA enjoys the civil personality and the financial autonomy that confer it the attributes of private consulting engineer of national and international span.

          Pioneer and dean of the Tunisian agricultural engineering, the CNEA took the relief of the antennas of the European Research departments thanks to the transfer of the knowledge and technologies assured to its starting by the FAO and the World Bank.