Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Agriculture , Water Resources and Fisheries

الجمهورية التونسية
وزارة الفلاحة والموارد المائية والصيد البحري

Republique Tunisienne
ministère de l’Agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques
et de la pêche


The appraisal opened out by the CNEA the heart of the farming development, the agricultural hydro planning reinforced itself by the permanent concern to preserves the ecological balances and to rationalize the natural resource management.

Knowing that the ecological dimension is not comfortable to be able to forward, the CNEA became attached to its convict’s conception of the dialogue, with the farming environment that exposes wealth and the limit of resources and the natural inheritance at has time by the actors of land. 

The gait covered the Studies of Environmental impact (EIE), the runtime routines of actions of conservation of waters and soils (CES), the plans of uses of the sloppy waters, the creation and the valorization of the hill lakes. 

All the benefits of CNEA is part of the concern to a dialog with the groups for the implementation of a sustainable development strategy.