Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Agriculture , Water Resources and Fisheries

الجمهورية التونسية
وزارة الفلاحة والموارد المائية والصيد البحري

Republique Tunisienne
ministère de l’Agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques
et de la pêche

Domains of Expertise

Thirty years of exercise in the agricultural engineering allowed the CNEA to forge an appraisal as well in Tunisia as abroad and a knowledge to make in six domains of expertise :

  • The agricultural development
  • The participating and integrated farming development
  • The hydraulics
  • The environment
  • The landscape planning
  • The economy and the decision support

The expansion of the CNEA on the Tunisian market of the studies has been made comfortable by the permanence of at least six multidisciplinary teams composed of engineers (whose majority has an experience superior than 10 years), sustained by sociologists, investigators and other academic researchers.

In his consulting engineer’s gait, the CNEA looks for imperatively to:

  • Attach the price to a perfect knowledge of the farming world and groups targets;
  • Conceive the economic development in general, farming and agricultural in particular in harmony with the rationality farmer.
  • Insure at the time of the choices of agricultural activities, of the respect of the environment and the durability of the production systems.