Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Agriculture , Water Resources and Fisheries

الجمهورية التونسية
وزارة الفلاحة والموارد المائية والصيد البحري

Republique Tunisienne
ministère de l’Agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques
et de la pêche


By its initial vocation, his experience and his permanent opening on the international institutions of development, the CNEA oriented its benefits in two directions:  the studies and the formation.
Of this fact, its mission consists:

  • To undertake, for the account of the public corporations, of the deprived promoters and of the Central and Regional administration the pertaining technical-economic studies to projects aiming to the agricultural development;
  • To organize and achieve the formation of the settings in the domains of the analysis and assessment of the projects, as well as the perfection of the training Tunisians and foreign nations.